Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Microsoft Access : How to Sort From Home tab, Shortcut Menu and Set Up, Apply an Advanced Sort

How to sort records from the Home tab :
  1. In the Navigation pane, double-click the table to open it in Datasheet view.
  2. Click the field you want to sort by.
  3. On the Home tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Ascending or Descending. 
How to sort records by using a shortcut menu :
  1. In the Navigation pane, double-click the table to open it in Datasheet view.
  2. Right-click the field you want to sort by, and then click the command for the sort order you want to use. (The command names depend on the field’s data type.)  

How to set up and apply an advanced sort :
  1. In the Navigation pane, double-click the table to open it in Datasheet view.
  2. On the Hometab, in the Sort & Filtergroup, click Advanced, and then click Advanced Filter/Sort.
  3. In the Advanced Filter/Sort window , drag the field or fields you want to sort by to the Field row in the grid.
  4. In the Sort row , select the sort order you want to use.
  5. In the Sort & Filter group, click Toggle Filter to sort the records.
  6. Click Remove Sort to return the table to its default sort order. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Kumpulan Modul dan Materi Kuliah Manajemen Personal

Kumpulan Materi Kuliah Manajemen Personal dan Leadership :
  1. Pengertian Konsep Diri
  2. Aspek-aspek Dalam Konsep Diri
  3. Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Konsep Diri
  4. Tingkatan Konsep diri dan Cirinya Menurut Coopersmith dan Rogers
  5. Tanda-tanda Orang Yang Memiliki Konsep Diri Positif dan Negatif
  6. Pengantar Komunikasi
  7. Kerjasama Tim
  8. Pengaruh Kekuatan Pemimpin
  9. Hukum Kerjasama Tim Efektif
  10. Skala Prioritas kepemimpinan
  11. Nilai Integritas Kepemimpinan
  12. Menciptakan Perubahan Positif
  13. Manajemen Konflik dan Kerjasama Tim
  14. Pemecahan Masalah
  15. Karakteristik Tim Pemenang
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